[Translate to International:] Allgemeine Tipps für Camping im Frühling mit Dethleffs

Getting used to the vehicle

Adjusting to driving a motorhome or caravan

As much as you may be excited about being able to get your trusty steed out of the garage again, take it slowly. A motorhome is a completely different size to your car, which your senses have grown used to throughout the winter season. Even towing a trailer with your car requires extra attention and awareness.

[Translate to International:] Ein Fahrtraining vor dem Start in die Caravaning-Saison kann sehr sinnvoll sein, um wieder ein Gefühl für den Wohnwagen oder das Wohnmobil zu bekommen.

You will need to get used to driving your large motorhome or towing your caravan again. In the interest of safety, it is best to take a driving safety training course.

When loading your motorhome or caravan, make sure that everything is in the correct position. Heavy items should be placed at the bottom, between the axles if possible. Make sure everything you pack is secured against sliding – especially in the rear garage and in large storage compartments. Your Dethleffs dealer will be happy to provide you with details on transport safety devices specifically designed for your vehicle.